ace student events

Student Events

ACE Greater NY organizes fun, informative events for students to network and gain opportunities outside of the standard program. See below for upcoming events, as well as past events.

Remote Team Registration Fair

Date: October 17, 2024

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:30-6:00pm

Join us at the Remote Team Registration Fair to meet all the 2024-25 ACE GNY Teams and decide which team you want to join!

Leading up to the fair, we will share a PDF of all available teams and their link for the Team Registration Fair. Make note of the teams you are interested in learning more about. On the day of the Fair, the links will be live and you will be able to speak with mentors and learn about those teams. After the Fair, we will send out a Google Form for you to select your team.

If students cannot attend the Fair, we will continue to promote all available teams via email and students can select their team through the Google Form.

After you join a team, we will email you a confimation of your choice. The Team Leaders of your team will email you before the first meeting. Teams will begin meeting the first week of November 2024!

ACE GNY College Tours

Date: April 23, 2024

ACE GNY students have been invited to join tours at several colleges in the GNY area, specifically led for our students. They will have the opportunity to meet students on other ACE GNY teams, as well as hear from representatives at each college about everything from areas of study to life on campus.

Pratt Institute Architecture Campus Tour

Date: February 21, 2024

Location: 215 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205

Time: 1:00-3:00pm

Current students were led on a guided tour by Pratt Institute admin and joined by ACE GNY Alumna Allison Tsao and friend of ACE GNY, Catherine Chattergoon! Long time Team Leader Ty Kaul, Associate Principal at Perkins Eastman, Pratt alum, and former Pratt educator, joined us on this tour. His unique perspective and true passion for architecture was such a great addition to this tour!

Syracuse University Remote Information Session

Date: February 20, 2024

Location: Zoom

Time: 1:00-2:00pm

Current students participated in a remote information session led by Jonathan Hoster, Associate Director for Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment (College of Engineering and Computer Science) and Vittoria Buccina, Assistant Dean, Enrollment Management (School of Architecture).

Spitzer School of Architecture Campus Tour

Date: February 20, 2024

Location: 141 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10003

Time: 10am-12:00pm

Current students joined ACE GNY Spitzer Ambassadors Micah Gomez and Siam Suleri, along with ACE GNY Alumni Viviana Alatorre on a guided tour of Spitzer, including classrooms, studio spaces, and areas to study.

ACE GNY Scholarship Overview Webinar

Date: January 15, 2024

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:00-5:00pm

Join the ACE GNY team on this live webinar to hear an extensive overview of the ACE GNY Scholarship, as well as applying to scholarships in general. To sign-up for the event, please click the link in the Senior Newsletter sent on November 15. All active students and parents are welcome!

ACE Day at Manhattan College

Date: December 2, 2023

Time: 10am-1:30pm

All ACE Greater NY students are welcome to join us at Manhattan College on December 2 for ACE Day!

Learn about the various fields of engineering and meet ACE alumni at different stages of their careers – some who are attending college and others working as professionals in the engineering industry. ACE GNY students who attend will receive special perks if they decide to apply to Manhattan College, including:

  • $10,000 Scholarship:  ACE graduates will be eligible to receive an additional $10,000 scholarship (over the four-years enrolled at Manhattan College), offered in conjunction with our merit-based awards
  • Application fee waiver: As an ACE graduate, your application fee will be waived, to reduce the financial burden associated with the application process
  • Preferential application review: Applications from ACE graduates will receive special attention, ensuring a comprehensive review of your unique qualifications
  • Two-week turnaround: Applicants who apply after 1 December can expect a decision within two weeks of completing their application checklist

Register for the event at the link shared in the student newsletter!

Give Something Back Scholarship Info Session

Date: November 20, 2023

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

The Give Something Back (Giveback) Scholarship is a four-year college scholarship that covers tuition, room, board, and student academic fees at Give Back’s New York partner colleges – Binghamton University in Binghamton, Mercy College in the Bronx, Dobbs Ferry and Manhattan, and Queens College in Queens. The scholarship is designed to fund the cost of college for students who are fully Pell Grant eligible, are people of high character and have a high level of academic achievement (students are required to have a 3.0 GPA).

This program is open to all 9th and 10th grade students and to 11th grade students experiencing extraordinary circumstances (which includes being a foster youth, experiencing homelessness and/or having an incarcerated parent); 9th, 10th and 11th grade students experiencing extraordinary circumstances are given priority and strongly encouraged to apply. Financial need is required for both programs.

Students who are interested must attend this information session as part of the application process. Register at the link in your Student Newsletter!

Remote Team Registration Fair

Date: October 19, 2023

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:30-6:00pm

Join us at the Remote Team Registration Fair to meet all the 2023-24 ACE GNY Teams and decide which team you want to join!

Leading up to the fair, we will share a PDF of all available teams and their link for the Team Registration Fair. Make note of the teams you are interested in learning more about. On the day of the Fair, the links will be live and you will be able to speak with mentors and learn about those teams. After the Fair, we will send out a Google Form for you to select your team.

If students cannot attend the Fair, we will continue to promote all available teams via email and students can select their team through the Google Form.

After you join a team, we will connect you with your mentors. Teams will begin meeting the first week of November 2023!

Preparing for College, Engineering

Date: June 15, 2023

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

ACE GNY Alumni will share their experiences about their first year studying Engineering in college. Graduating seniors will get the opportunity to learn about what they can do this summer to prepare for college; what college courses to take; internships, scholarships, and much more! There will be a moderated panel, and then time for Q&A from students and parents.
Panelists Participating:
Caroline Gulan, rising Sophomore at NYU studying Civil Engineering
Isabella Ng, rising Sophomore at Cooper Union studying Civil Engineering
+more panelists to be announced!
Sign-up at the link in your email!

Preparing for College, Architecture School

Date: June 13, 2023

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

ACE GNY Alumni will share their experiences about their first year in Architecture School.  Graduating high school seniors will get the opportunity to learn about what they can do this summer to prepare for college; what college courses to take; internships, scholarships, and much more! There will be a moderated panel, and then time for Q&A from students and parents.
Panelists Participating:
Anthony Manukian, rising Sophomore at Pratt Institute
Md Hoque, rising Junior at Syracuse University
+More to be announced!
RSVP at the link in your email.

Industry Associations Overview

Date: February 27, 2023

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:00-5:30pm

Join us at our upcoming webinar to learn about Industry Associations related to the ACE industry! Associations will share what opportunities they have for high school and college students, including:

  • Scholarship Opportunities
  • Networking and Mentorship Opportunities
  • Industry Events
  • College Clubs

Joining us will be the Construction Management Association of America NY/NJ Chapter, International Interior Design Association of NY, Center for Architecture | AIA NY,  and more associations to be announced!


Remote College Fair

Date: October 26, 2022

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:30-6:30pm

Learn more about area colleges and universities that have architecture, engineering, and construction management undergraduate degree programs!

College representatives will be live on Zoom chatting with ACE GNY students about admissions, financial aid, college majors, extracurricular activities, and alumni benefits. ACE GNY alumni at these colleges will be present as well to share their experience attending these schools.

Sign-ups to be shared via email to registered ACE GNY students.

Remote Team Registration Fair

Date: October 19, 2022

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:30-6:00pm

Join us at the Remote Team Registration Fair to meet all the 2022-2023 ACE GNY Teams and decide which team you want to join!

Leading up to the fair, we will share a PDF of all available teams and their link for the Team Registration Fair. Make note of the teams you are interested in learning more about. On the day of the fair, the links will be live and you will be able to speak with mentors and learn about those teams. After the fair, we will send out a Google Form for you to select your team.

If students cannot attend the fair, we will continue to promote all available teams via email and students can select their team through the Google Form.

Lighting Design Careers Webinar - HLB Lighting

Date: October 13, 2022

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:00-5:00pm

HLB Lighting will present to ACE GNY students on lighting design careers – what their career entails, what college majors lead into this career, what internships to seek, and much more! Join us in learning about this unique and special design field! Students must sign-up prior to the event to receive the Zoom link.

Portfolio Review - IIDA NY

Date: October 3, 2022

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:00-6:00pm

As a Part II to their Portfolios 101 webinar, IIDA NY will be reviewing architecture school portfolios remotely via Zoom. Sign-up and submission of students’ portfolios is required prior to the event. This specific portfolio review is for senior high school students only.

Portfolio Review - Handel Architects

Date: September 28, 2022

Location: 120 Broadway, 6th Fl. New York, NY 10271

Time: 4:30-6:00pm

Handel Architects will be reviewing ACE GNY students’ architecture school portfolios in their NYC downtown office! Sign-up and submission of students’ portfolio is required to attend.

Portfolios 101 Webinar

Date: September 26, 2022

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:30-6:30pm

Curious about what makes a portfolio stand out from the rest? If so, please join IIDA’s Design Camp Committee for an overview where you will gain insight from design professionals! Learn how to create a strong portfolio for architecture and interior design programs.

Applying for Architecture School Webinar

Date: September 19, 2022

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:30-6:00p

ACE GNY Alumni will give an overview of their college’s architecture school application, as well as give examples of their portfolios and best practices for applying to college.

Catherine Moreno, Pratt Institute
Julian Yang, Cooper Union
Md Hoque, Syracuse University
Siam Suleri, City College NY

All students interested in applying to architecture school are strongly recommended to attend and learn about the intricacies of college applications! Registered students will receive a sign-up form in their inbox to register.

Preparing for College, Engineering Majors

Date: June 23, 2022

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

ACE GNY Alumni shared their experiences about their first year in college studying engineering majors. Current students learned about what they can do during the summer to prepare for college, what courses to take, and general advice about adjusting to college.

Kylie Galvin, Incoming Sophomore at Manhattan College studying Civil Engineering
Aury Fernandez, Incoming Sophomore at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute studying Mechanical Engineering
Michelle Valle, graduate of Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and current
Superintendent at Structure Tone

Send us an email at for the recording of the webinar.

Preparing for College, Architecture School

Date: June 21, 2022

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

ACE GNY Alumni shared their experiences about their first year in Architecture School. Current students learned about what they can do during the summer to prepare for college, what college courses to take, and general advice about college!

YeXin Jiang, Incoming Sophomore at Syracuse University
Siam Suleri, Incoming Sophomore at Cooper Union
Samantha Suastegui, Graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, current Architectural Designer at STV, Inc

Send us an email at for the recording of the webinar.

Program Webinar: Historic Preservation Careers

Date: April 25, 2022

Location: Zoom link to be shared

Time: 4:00-5:00pm

The Association of Preservation Technology (APTNE) is excited to present to ACE GNY current mentees and Alumni on careers in Historic Preservation!

Historic preservation is an endeavor that seeks to preserve, conserve and protect buildings, objects, landscapes or other artifacts of historical significance.

Learn from professional Historic Preservation Architects on what this field is like and how to enter it!

Webinar Details:
Date: Monday, April 25, 2022
Time: 4:00-5:00pm

RSVP at the link sent to your email and you will receive the webinar link!

Program Webinar: Networking and Communication Skills

Date: April 11, 2022

Location: Zoom link to be shared

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

Join us to learn about building and maintaining your professional online presence. CannonDesign will go over how to make a LinkedIn profile, how to reach out to recruiters for jobs, and how to communicate professionally online. All ACE GNY current mentees are welcome to attend and learn how to improve their online presence!

Webinar Details:
Date – April 11, 2022
Time – 5-6pm
Location – Zoom Link

Link will be shared once you sign-up.

Let us know if you have any questions –

Program Webinar: Mentor Career Pathways

Date: March 21, 2022

Location: Zoom link to be shared

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

Current Mentees and Alumni heard from ACE GNY Mentors on their college and career pathways. Each mentor gave an overview of their pathway from a high school student through the professional they are today. Attendees learned the different ways to become involved in the design and construction industry, and the steps to take to succeed.

Oral Selkridge, Director, NYC Department of Design and Construction
Julie-Ann Evans, Senior Project Engineer, Skanska
Lauren Munari, Staff Engineer, Langan
Erica Mulligan, Electrical Engineer, Jaros Baum & Bolles

Webinar Details:
Date – March 21, 2022
Time – 5-6pm
Location – Zoom

For the recording, please email us –

Program Webinar: How to Choose a College and Pick a Major

Date: February 28, 2022

Location: Zoom link to be shared

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

Current ACE GNY Mentees heard from ACE GNY Alumni on how to research colleges, how to choose a college, and how to decide what major to pursue!

Alumni shared their advice, best practices, and ideas on pre-college decision-making and answered current high school students’ questions.

Confirmed Speakers:
Siam Suleri, Freshman Studying Architecture at CCNY
YeXin Jiang, Freshman studying Architecture ay Syracuse University
Victoria Leonard, Sophomore Studying Civil Engineering at NYU Tandon
Christy Marie Fratto, Sophomore Studying Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at RPI

For the recording and notes, please email us at

Program Webinar: Preparation for Architecture and Engineering Majors

Date: January 31, 2022

Location: Zoom link to be shared

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

ACE GNY in college shared their advice, best practices, and ideas on succeeding in college and what current high school students of all ages can do to prepare.

Siam Suleri, Freshman Studying Architecture at CCNY
Arpita Saha, Freshman studying Civil Engineering at Columbia University
Yadhira Morocho, Freshman studying Civil Engineering at NYU Tandon
Ethan Ikegami, Freshman studying Architecture at University at Buffalo

Email us at for the recording!

Scholarship Webinar

Date: December 13, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:30-6:30pm

Students joined the ACE GNY staff to learn more about the ACE GNY Scholarship application and best practices for applying to scholarships in general. Missed the webinar? Email us at to get the notes!

ACE GNY College Fair

Date: October 19, 2021

Location: Zoom link to be shared

Time: 4:00-6:00pm

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming Virtual College Fair on October 19, 2021!

ACE GNY is partnering with area colleges and universities to bring information on their architecture, engineering, and construction management programs directly to ACE GNY students! Representatives will give an informational overview of schools, including details on Admissions and Financial Aid, and also include ACE GNY Alumni who are current students to share their perspective on their schools.

Leading up to the fair, our ACE GNY College Ambassadors will share blog posts about why they chose their college and what to look forward to when they begin college.

All ACE GNY registered students have been invited to the fair – please monitor your email for more information!

Click here to register as an ACE GNY student to receive our college preparation opportunities.

Preparing for College: Architecture School

Date: June 22, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

The ACE GNY Preparing for College: Architecture School Panel is back!

ACE GNY Alumni shared their individual journeys studying Architecture and entering the industry. Current students learned about what they can do this summer to prepare for college; what college courses to take; internships, scholarships, and much more!

Dorothy Balansag, First Year, Pratt Institute
Helna Zhen, Fifth Year, Syracuse University
Isabella Joseph, Architectural Designer, KPF
Quiller Augustin, First Year, NYC College of Technology
Xiao Lin Wang, Third Year, CCNY
Ben Prosky, Executive Director of the Center for Architecture | AIA NY and Board Member of ACE GNY

For the recording of this event, please email ACE GNY at

Preparing for College: Engineering Majors

Date: June 17, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

ACE GNY Alumni shared their individual journeys studying engineering and entering the industry. Current students learned about what they can do this summer to prepare for college; what college courses to take; internships, scholarships, and much more!

Christy Marie Fratto, Double Major in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at RPI
Victoria Leonard, Civil Engineering Major at NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Zachary Nelson, Electrical Engineering Major at Cornell University
Shakiesha Featherstone, Water Engineer at Arcadis, Civil Engineering Graduate from Manhattan College

For the recording of this webinar, please email ACE GNY at

ACE GNY - Overview of Cultural ACE-Related Campus Organizations

Date: April 19, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

ACE GNY Current Students and Alumni heard firsthand from ACE Alumni about their cultural club affiliations and how to get involved on-campus with ACE related organizations. Alumni led the panel to give insight on joining clubs, what their club does, and the importance of getting involved while in college. Clubs represented at this webinar: SHPE, FAME, NOMAS, NSBE, and SWE. Email us at for the recording.

ACE GNY - Overview of Academic ACE-Related Campus Organizations

Date: April 12, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

ACE GNY Current Students and Alumni heard firsthand from ACE GNY Alumni about their academic campus affiliations and how to get involved on-campus with ACE related organizations. Alumni will lead the panel to give insight on joining clubs, what their club does, and the importance of getting involved while in college. Featuring panelists representing:  CMAA, ASHRAE, SEAoNY, ASCE, AIAS, and CUSD. For a recording of the webinar, please email

ACE GNY - Industry Associations Webinar

Date: March 15, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

ACE GNY current students and alumni heard from panelists from several industry associations, including the American Institute of Architects NY(AIA NY), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers(ASHRAE), Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) and Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAony).

Attendees learned more about what the associations do, why they are important to join, events, scholarships, and other opportunities they have for high school and college students.

For a recording of this webinar, please contact us at

ACE GNY - Interviewing Skills Webinar

Date: February 22, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

ACE GNY Current Students and Alumni heard from Vittoria Buccina of Syracuse University School of Architecture and Paige Bauman of STV on best practices for interviewing for college admission and internships.  For a recording of this webinar, please contact us at

ACE GNY - LinkedIn Webinar

Date: February 8, 2021

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

ACE GNY students and Alumni heard about the importance of LinkedIn, how to make a profile, what to add on it, and how to network/gain connections. Moderators discussed how to reconnect with mentors, the ACE GNY Alumni Group, and how to best present yourself digitally. For a recorded version of this webinar, please email

ACE GNY - College Essay Writing

Date: December 21, 2020

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

ACE GNY Students learned from admissions experts on how to present their story clearly and concisely on college applications. The webinar was led by admissions representatives from NYIT and NYU Tandon School of Engineering.  For a recorded copy of the webinar, email us at

A Day in the Life of a Former ACE Student - Syracuse University

Date: December 7, 2020

Time: 6:00-7:00pm

Current ACE GNY students heard from former ACE students who are currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Architecture program at Syracuse University, for a conversation about their path from ACE to college. The session included a brief overview of Syracuse University and Q&A with the former ACE students.

ACE GNY - Scholarships Webinar

Date: November 23, 2020

Location: Zoom

Time: 4:00-5:00pm

ACE GNY students attended this webinar, led by program staff, on applying to scholarships and the ACE GNY scholarship in particular. Participants asked questions about essays, scoring, and standing out on applications. For a recorded copy of the webinar, email us at

Manhattan College - Engineering Degrees Info Session

Date: November 21, 2020

Time: 1:00-2:00pm

ACE GNY students heard from professors at Manhattan College about the Civil Engineering department and its areas of specialization: Construction Environmental Geotechnical Structural Transportation Water Resource.

Syracuse University Scholarship and Engineering Info Session

Date: November 16, 2020

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

Syracuse University hosted a virtual information session specifically for ACE GNY students and families to learn about Syracuse’s Engineering programs – aerospace, bioengineering, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, environmental, and mechanical. This webinar featured their Engineering admissions staff, current students, and alumni, many of whom are ACE alumni or mentors. Syracuse University also introduced students to the new scholarship for exclusively ACE students.

Syracuse University School of Architecture - Portfolio Development Workshop

Date: November 9, 2020

Location: Webinar - Sign-up for the Link

Time: 5:00pm

During this workshop, Assistant Dean Vittoria Buccina will provide insight on developing your portfolio in a manner that best showcases your creativity, curiosity, and spatial ability when applying to a Bachelor of Architecture program.

Exclusively for ACE Greater NY students. Please email us for the link to register.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Webinar

Date: August 25, 2020

Location: Webinar

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

Overview of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s School of Architecture program from admissions team. Exclusively for ACE GNY students. Sign up to be announced.

Introduction to Interior Design Careers Webinar from IIDANY

Date: August 4, 2020

Location: Webinar

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

Join us for a panel discussion focused on Interior Design Careers, educational requirements, and the overall industry of Interior Design. Hear from our diverse panelists about their design career paths, what a college interior design program entails, and the various opportunties in the interior design industry.

For more information about IIDA NY – visit our website at

Robin Reigi – Principal Owner, Robin Reigi Architectural Materials
Mary Davis – Sales Representative, Light Art
Elisabeth Mejia – Associate, Project Interior Designer, HKS

Carmita Sanchez-Fong – Professor & Chairperson, FIT
Katie Michael-Battaglia – Design Director, NEMO Tile + Stone
Rachel Robinson – Senior Associate, Design Director, Ted Moudis
Nicole Muratore – Job Captain, Gensler
Kim Kedem – Interior Design Student, FIT

Exclusively for ACE GNY current students and former students. Please email us at for the registration form!

The Pratt Institute Webinar

Date: July 28, 2020

Location: Webinar

Time: 12:30pm

Overview of the Pratt Institute’s Architecture School and Construction Management Degree Programs.


Exclusively for ACE GNY students. Email us at for the registration link!

The Cooper Union Webinar

Date: July 16, 2020

Location: Webinar

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

Overview of the Architecture and Engineering programs at The Cooper Union from the admissions team and current students. Exclusively for ACE GNY students.

City College of New York Spitzer School of Architecture Webinar

Date: July 8, 2020

Location: Webinar

Time: 5:00pm

Overview of the Spitzer School of Architecture at City College of NY from the admissions team and former ACE GNY students currently enrolled and studying architecture.

Preparing for College Construction Management Webinar

Date: June 30, 2020

Location: Webinar - Sign-up for the Link

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

Hear firsthand from ACE GNY Alumni and ACE Mentors on their individual journeys through studying Construction Management in college and into the industry. Students will get the opportunity to learn about what graduating high school is like; what college courses to take; internships, scholarships, and much more! There will be a moderated panel, and then time for Q&A from students and parents.

Featured Schools to be Added!

Once you submit this form with the panel that you are interested in attending, you will receive a link to the webinar via email within 24 hours. Please make sure to monitor your email for this link. If you do not receive it, please let us know at


This event is for graduating seniors – for a list of events we have for all students, click here

Preparing for College Engineering Webinar

Date: June 23, 2020

Location: Webinar

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

Hear firsthand from ACE GNY Alumni and ACE Mentors on their individual journeys through studying different engineering majors (Civil, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical) and into the industry. Students will get the opportunity to learn about what graduating high school is like; what college courses to take; internships, scholarships, and much more! There will be a moderated panel, and then time for Q&A from students and parents.

Featuring ACE GNY Alumni studying engineering from…
Manhattan College
City College of New York Grove School of Engineering
Cooper Union
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
& more to be added!

This event is for graduating seniors – for a list of events we have for all students, click here

Preparing for College Architecture Webinar

Date: June 16, 2020

Location: Webinar

Time: 5:00-6:30pm

Hear firsthand from ACE GNY Alumni and ACE Mentors on their individual journeys through architecture school and into the industry. Students will get the opportunity to learn about what graduating high school is like; what college courses to take; internships, scholarships, and much more! There will be a moderated panel, and then time for Q&A from students and parents.

Featuring ACE GNY Alumni studying architecture from…
Cornell University
City College of New York Anne and Bernard Spitzer School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Wentworth Institute of Technology

This event is for graduating seniors – for a list of events we have for all students, click here

NYU Tandon School of Engineering Webinar

Date: June 9, 2020

Location: Webinar

Time: 5:00pm

Overview of the Civil Engineering and Construction Management degree programs from professors of the school. Exclusively for ACE GNY students.

Team Registration Fair

Date: October 16, 2019

Location: 1221 Avenue of the Americas, Sunken Plaza

Time: 4:00PM - 7:00PM

On October 16, 2019, the ACE Mentor Program of Greater NY hosted the annual Team Registration Fair. All of the NYC-based ACE GNY mentorship teams were present and recruiting students to their teams. Each team tabled with a board and a few mentors and high school students met each team and decided which team they wanted to join for the 2019-2020 Program Year.

The program kicked off in November 2019 with 53 mentor teams and 1300 enrolled students. Mentor teams will be meeting until May 2020, at which they will present the design project they have been working on for the program year.

Students that join ACE are encouraged to join again the following year – our application for the 2020-21 Program Year will be live in August 2020.

Professional Development Panel – Engineering

Date: June 12, 2019

Location: 1040 Avenue of Americas, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10018

The Preparing for College Engineering Panel was held on June 12, 2019 at the ACE Greater NY office in Midtown Manhattan. Panelists were guided through a moderated discussion by current Team Leader and Mentor Committee Chair, Virginia Demske (Cerami & Associates). Students learned about the basics and expectations of several undergraduate engineering programs, including Mechanical and Civil Engineering at universities throughout Greater New York.

Professional Development Panel – Architecture

Date: June 11, 2019

Location: 1040 Avenue of Americas, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10018

For the first time, the ACE Mentor Program of Greater NY Alumni Committee organized two panel discussions to provide seniors graduating from high school with firsthand insight on Architecture School and Engineering programs.

The Preparing for College Architecture Panel was held on June 11, 2019 at the ACE Greater NY office in Midtown Manhattan. Panelists were guided through a moderated discussion by ACE Alumni and current Team Leader, Nadene Taylor (Beyer Blinder Belle). Students learned about the basics and expectations of Architecture school, including the vocabulary and tools needed to succeed.

Stay Connected to The ACE Mentor Program of Greater NY

About ACE Greater NY

Founded in 1994 by a group of leading architects, contractors and engineers in New York City, the program has served more than 77,000 students nationwide and over 17,000 students in New York alone. Today, more than 13,000 students and 4,100 mentors participate in ACE each year in 37 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

ACE National