2019-2020 ACE GNY Program Kickoff

The ACE Mentor Program of Greater NY 2019-2020 Program Year has begun!

This year, over 1,700 high school students from over 285 high schools registered for the free after-school program. Students were able to join one of 53 mentor teams that are meeting throughout New York City, Long Island, and Westchester.

Each mentor team is comprised of 15-30 high school students, and 7-15 mentors who are professionals in the architecture, engineering, or construction management field. This year, over 750 mentors will participate in introducing high school students to the industry.

Throughout the program year, mentors teach students about their careers as well as fundamental knowledge to each of the industries. Halfway through the year, the program shifts from learning about the field to actually creating a pseudo-design project as a team.

We are thrilled for this upcoming program year, and look forward to seeing each team’s presentation in May 2020!

Pictured: Team 50 Mentors (led by Marsh Construction) introduce high school students to structural engineering via spaghetti and marshmallows. 


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About ACE Greater NY

Founded in 1994 by a group of leading architects, contractors and engineers in New York City, the program has served more than 77,000 students nationwide and over 16,000 students in New York alone. Today, more than 13,000 students and 4,100 mentors participate in ACE each year in 37 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

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