Professional Development Panel – Architecture

Date: June 11, 2019 Location: 1040 Avenue of Americas, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10018

For the first time, the ACE Mentor Program of Greater NY Alumni Committee organized two panel discussions to provide seniors graduating from high school with firsthand insight on Architecture School and Engineering programs.

The Preparing for College Architecture Panel was held on June 11, 2019 at the ACE Greater NY office in Midtown Manhattan. Panelists were guided through a moderated discussion by ACE Alumni and current Team Leader, Nadene Taylor (Beyer Blinder Belle). Students learned about the basics and expectations of Architecture school, including the vocabulary and tools needed to succeed.

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About ACE Greater NY

Founded in 1994 by a group of leading architects, contractors and engineers in New York City, the program has served more than 77,000 students nationwide and over 17,000 students in New York alone. Today, more than 13,000 students and 4,100 mentors participate in ACE each year in 37 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

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